Friday 25 July 2008

Reduce Bills By Using Solar & Wind Power

The latest increase of bills has just about made everyone realize how rediculously high bills are becoming. People are no longer prepared to pay massive electricity bills which are set to rise even further. Reducing bills by using solar and wind power is something that has been the forefront of many conversations lately but what is stopping us using this ideal energy source?

Many people are under the influence that installing solar energy producing equipment and wind generators cost unrealistic amounts. This is why Micheal Harvey decided to put the record straight and release Earth4Energy

In Harvey's Earth4Energy system he concentrates on two major natural power sources: Wind and solar.

Wind: Earth4Energy explains step by step how to easily construct a windmill that can power home appliances, which will cut your electricity bill for as little as $100 in components. This device will look professional also. A wind power generator is ideal if you live where wind is frequent around 11 MPH plus.

Solar: Using Harvey's tried and tested methods, solar panels need not cost thousands, as Earth4Energy explains how to make a solar power system for around $200 with products you can buy from local shops. This would also effectively power home appliances.

Earth4Energy is designed so that anyone can follow the easily laid out illustrated instructions to make these effective energy sources from wind and solar.

Not only is Earth4Energy saving you money on electricity bills, it is a great way to do your bit for the environment. Its also a fun and interesting project for anyone.

Membership to access all the plans of Earth4Energy is a one off $49. Once you become a member you have full access to all the plans including many more devices and tips that will cut your electricity bill